Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Power Of Good Foods

After all, as the old adage explains not to let our teeth dig our own grave, do your best to eat healthier foods. Our body cannot produce some important essentials nutrients on its own; therefore, it is vital to get those essential nutrients through foods.
In addition, eat organic produce for the reason that they have fewer toxins like pesticides and other cancer- catalyst additives. In an article titled The Way We Eat Now, Dr. Craig Lambert, deputy editor of Harvard Magazine, explains how poor food choices can poison our body in a click, and thus putting us at risks for all kinds of chronic diseases.
It is necessary to learn how to eat well in order to enjoy life in its fullest, free of diseases, and full of vitality.
With love,

1 comment:

  1. We need to stop eating junks, and we need to start eating more fruits and vegetables.


What can we do to eat better every day?